Need a directional chain of BFB contestants? Here's your chance.
Need a directional chain of BFB contestants? Here's your chance.
All the names are my own characters!!
uhhhh all names and such are that of my own characters EDIT: Replaced some words (banished, runs after, is killed by)
中岳 曉芬 瑞娟 昂哥 彥光 寀辰 小宇 建凱 友庠 怡妡 淑儀 智榮 書漢 大羊 阿璟 佳儀 宥榛 家如 怡欣 益詮 韋丞 韋志 柏辰 治榮 立則 菀如 張蓉 紫絨 珮珍 軒佑 貴謙 關崢 楷心 領華 銘陽 雪綺 巧庭 冠臻 沛穎 雅諭 小藍 秀琪 豐洲 煌凱 欣穎
I don't care about the genders. I can do what i want.
for fun <:)
olha só mamae xd