does anybody watch this show ?? only me ?? yea i expected that
Please don't use this. I'm just trying to test something out.
yes or no
You can draw them or add them to the movie
Numbers Are Ones
shipping, shipping shipping! one of my favorite things in the world! (also, if it gives you a prompt with mario hat and luigi hat, skip it and please understand it's not my fault. the slot machine is completely randomized. i don't endorse twincest/incest in ANY way possible.) (another note, there's no nsfw in this. hooray!)
if you'd like to perceive these romantically, that's cool! i'm making a shipping slot machine generator of this too, but if you'd like to draw/write/think/whatever of any of these prompts as romantic, go ahead! i'm just titling it as platonic/non-romantic so people dont mix up the two.
有發展商早前擬向城規會申請放寬地段密度限制,提出將其擁有的地段,連同毗鄰的政府土地,由住宅(丙類)10 改劃為住宅(乙類)11。
恆地今次把申請地點「住宅(丙類)10」改劃為「住宅(乙類)11」, 但其實佢只係得四成地, 但拎三棟公營房屋出來扮「公私合營」. 仲唔係嫁女貼大床?
Just ships and actions for Ultra Beast
Picks a random Legendary or Mythical Pokemon for you.
Just ships and actions
woody hugs TD