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感謝大家新年支援 辛苦了
感謝大家新年支援 辛苦了
This one h
hcj89hdjc Ship slot machine but only woody. Finding it hard to get woody on the ship slot machine? This one makes it guaranteed for you to get woody as the main character. But if you are more about secondary, then I will make one where he is guaranteed to be the secondary character. Also I don’t know the order of actions, so this is the order of the ones I saved. Sorry if a character or action is missing, I can’t do much about that. And yes, woody is my favorite contestant in bfb. Remote is a close second, woody is just adorable, sometimes a very silly character, and I also have cross-series bias from bfdi weekly. So yeah, I’m doing my ten favorites first (along with fries and marker to represent free food which sadly got no one into the top 10), and after that I’ll do them at random. Even the others I’ll explain why I like them, as I found none particularly bad, the worst you can get are the forgettable ones, which I tend to forget occasionally. Same things apply here, use this for your ship ideas. Anyways, good luck! One last thing, this also includes the tpot debuters, two and profily. The order for the debuters is the vote order, from least to most.
hcj89hdjc Ship slot machine but only woody. Finding it hard to get woody on the ship slot machine? This one makes it guaranteed for you to get woody as the main character. But if you are more about secondary, then I will make one where he is guaranteed to be the secondary character. Also I don’t know the order of actions, so this is the order of the ones I saved. Sorry if a character or action is missing, I can’t do much about that. And yes, woody is my favorite contestant in bfb. Remote is a close second, woody is just adorable, sometimes a very silly character, and I also have cross-series bias from bfdi weekly. So yeah, I’m doing my ten favorites first (along with fries and marker to represent free food which sadly got no one into the top 10), and after that I’ll do them at random. Even the others I’ll explain why I like them, as I found none particularly bad, the worst you can get are the forgettable ones, which I tend to forget occasionally. Same things apply here, use this for your ship ideas. Anyways, good luck! One last thing, this also includes the tpot debuters, two and profily. The order for the debuters is the vote order, from least to most.
Make all 8 team names to win! Hopefully, you get lucky…
TINAJS:) Wheel
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