iance slot Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

yet another iance slot with a ton of prompts. go crazy wit em.

  • Lightning
  • Fanny
  • Match
  • Pencil
  • Bubble
  • Ruby
  • Flower
  • Snowball
  • kisses
  • makes out with
  • hugs
  • cries on
  • punches
  • stabs
  • cuddles with
  • laughs at
  • heavily blushes at
  • gets furious at
  • makes fun of
  • glares at
  • makes a gross remark at
  • flirts with
  • hates
  • loves
  • crushes on
  • dances with
  • pushes
  • fights
  • brutally murders
  • slaps
  • is dating
  • dates
  • winks at
  • frowns at
  • smiles at
  • chases
  • screams at
  • smooches
  • gets flustered by
  • knocks over
  • annoys
  • is enraged by
  • confuses
  • upsets
  • bites
  • punts
  • gags at the site of
  • face mushes
  • hides at the site of
  • bullies
  • sings for
  • sips a drink with
  • shocks
  • cries with
  • makes mean jokes about
  • surprises
  • races
  • walks away from
  • dodges
  • has a mental breakdown in front of
  • draws
  • is sung to sleep by
  • hates conversing with
  • runs over
  • impresses
  • eats with
  • writes a fanfic about
  • takes a picture with
  • demolishes
  • studies with
  • is jealous of
  • envies
  • bribes
  • convinces
  • manipulates
  • spends time with
  • insults
  • is meaningless to
  • is useless to
  • is hot to
  • is attractive and/or attention grabbing to
  • is cute to
  • is opinionated to
  • is hideous to
  • is stupid to
  • is nice to
  • gives zero fucks about
  • flips off
  • blows raspberries at
  • always bitches about
  • is openly a sourpuss to
  • is secretly a sourpuss to
  • wants to end
  • wants to get with
  • is nervous about asking out
  • gossips about
  • spreads rumors about
  • calls out
  • constantly complains about
  • exposes
  • writes anonymous love letters to
  • writes anonymous hate letters to
  • apologizes to
  • confesses to
  • uses a pan to whack
  • comforts
  • is sad because of
  • is mad because of
  • always blushes at the site of
  • always brags about her/himself to
  • is always caught crushing on
  • is always caught name calling
  • is always caught body shaming
  • is always caught staring at
  • sleep with
  • pins down
  • gives a kiss on the cheek to
  • embarrasses
  • embarrasses her/himself in front of
  • cheekily grins at
  • smugly grins at
  • exchanges awkward glances with
  • swoons over
  • furrows his/her brows at
  • raises an eyebrow at
  • blames
  • shames
  • plays
  • was told to break the rules by
  • was told to look at [REDACTED] by
  • was told to scream at
  • was dared to passionately make out with
  • pays
  • steals from
  • jumps over
  • jumps on
  • trips over
  • bumps into
  • shoves
  • wrestles with
  • tackles
  • plays hand games with
  • plays mind games with
  • plays 2,763 games of tic tac toe with
  • plays board games with
  • misspells the name of
  • corrects
  • belittles
  • bows down to
  • starts being polite to
  • rants about
  • says some colorful things to
  • taunts
  • mocks
  • interrupts
  • breaks
  • repeatedly yells “you are an idiotic moron!” to
  • gushes over
  • sighs at
  • sacrifices his/herself for
  • hides behind
  • feels safe around
  • feels unsafe around
  • senses a feeling of dread around
  • buys a gift for
  • is in awe because of
  • has a custom plushie of
  • stalks
  • creeps out
  • scares
  • startles
  • lets out a funny noise at
  • scowls at
  • chastises
  • scolds
  • makes a rude remark at
  • condescends over
  • bewilders
  • becomes shy around
  • becomes unusual of behavior around
  • is sick of
  • is fed up of
  • is bored of
  • becomes excited around
  • becomes happy around
  • becomes fearful around
  • becomes nervous around
  • is quite odd around
  • is quite awkward around
  • hangs out with
  • cant live without
  • cant stand to be around
  • is not pleasant around
  • does not feel pleased around
  • has a spa day with
  • leaves
  • stands up for
  • recites a poem to
  • sings with
  • ghosts
  • shares a prize with
  • watches the sunset with
  • pleases
  • throws a chair at
  • scream “I LOVE YOU!” at
  • takes the life of
  • throws a qtip at
  • blows a kiss to
  • caresses
  • pisses off
  • trips
  • gets drunk with
  • carries
  • sneezes at
  • secretly cares for
  • secretly doesn’t care for
  • openly cares for
  • openly doesn’t care for
  • traps
  • corners
  • bashes
  • throws
  • yanks the arm of
  • yanks the leg of
  • steps around
  • ignores
  • has his/her feelings hurt by
  • gets caught quietly sobbing to his/herself by
  • speaks another language to
  • gets silent around
  • is unable to think clearly around
  • freezes
  • melts
  • keelhauls
  • later deals with
  • makes a promise to
  • reads the diary that belongs to
  • gives an unknown object to
  • fakes a smile for
  • tries to act smart for
  • tries to act dumb around
  • looks at the stars with
  • shares a bonfire with
  • spoils the movie for
  • wickedly grins at
  • holds hands with
  • makes a cake for
  • makes cupcakes for
  • tricks
  • gaslights
  • breaks up with
  • plans a surprise party for
  • flatters
  • takes a walk with
  • looks at the clouds with
  • screeches at
  • knocks out
  • squeezes
  • squishes the face of
  • makes hot chocolate for
  • Lightning
  • Bubble
  • Flower
  • Match
  • Snowball
  • Fanny
  • Ruby
  • Pencil
