thing PART TWO Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

no more zetar

  • bryson
  • cinaroll
  • fret
  • fuzy
  • visual
  • stormz
  • akrious
  • spagoot
  • Doodle McSherbert
  • twvm
  • adus
  • chai
  • Cooling Tool
  • Violently beats up
  • Fucks
  • Plays Video Games with
  • killed
  • is depressed because of
  • had a sleepover with
  • argued with
  • explodes
  • ran away to Albuquerque with
  • cooked meth with
  • bryson
  • cinaroll
  • fret
  • fuzy
  • visual
  • stormz
  • akrious
  • spagoot
  • Doodle McSherbert
  • twvm
  • adus
  • chai
  • Cooling Tool
