Test Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • She is not here now. (她現在不在這裡)
  • He needs help right now. (他現在就需要幫忙)
  • He does not need help now. (他現在不需要幫忙)
  • He has his passport in his hand. (他現在手上拿著他的護照)
  • Do you have your passport with you?
  • She does not play the piano. (她不彈鋼琴)
  • Do you play the piano? (你彈鋼琴嗎?)
  • The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. (火車每天早上 8 點開出)
  • The train does not leave at 9 AM. (火車不在早上 9 點開出)
  • When does the train usually leave? (火車通常在何時開出?)
  • Cindy always forgets her purse. (辛蒂老是忘記帶錢包)
  • Gary never forgets his wallet. (蓋瑞從來不會忘記帶皮夾子)
  • Every twelve months, the earth circles the sun.
  • I am standing. (我正站著)
  • I am not sitting. (我現在不是坐著)
  • She is swimming now. (她現在正在游泳)
  • You are not learning English now. (你現在沒有在學英文)
  • Are you sleeping? (你正在睡覺嗎?)
  • Is he sitting or standing? (他現在是坐著還是站著?)
  • They are reading their books. (他們正在閱讀書籍)
  • They are not watching television. (他們沒有在看電視)
  • What are you doing? (你現在在做什麼?)
  • Why aren’t you doing your homework? (你
  • I’m walking across the road at the moment.
  • He’s not feeling well.
  • I’m living in London.
  • We’re staying at a nice hotel.
  • I’m watering his plants while he’s away.
  • I’m taking a yoga class these days.
  • It is raining cats and dogs.
