It is [said /believed/ considered] that ... Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

你的造謠功力有多強呢?讓我們來試看看~ 1. 決定你想對誰造謠(必須是大家都認識的) 2. 拉霸,看看老天曾經讓那主角在何時、何地做了什麼事 3. 先說「It is said that」然後把那句謠言說出來

  • ate 100 pizzas
  • drank beer
  • took 1000 dollars from me
  • played yoyo (玩溜溜球)
  • had a party
  • sang our national anthem (唱國歌)
  • danced
  • played games
  • took selfies (拍自拍照)
  • slept for 20 hours
  • talked to 孔子
  • took a shower
  • read 紅樓夢
  • dated (約會) Superman
  • saved the world (拯救世界)
  • went swimming
  • had romantic dinner with me
  • met BTS
  • fished (釣魚)
  • cooked
  • studied English
  • on TV
  • in my dream (在我的夢中)
  • in China
  • on Taipei 101
  • at school
  • in bed
  • on a tree
  • in the sky (在天空)
  • at 教官室
  • on the beach
  • in this classroom
  • in a restaurant
  • on a train
  • on a boat (在船上)
  • on Green Island (在綠島)
  • at a wedding (在婚禮上)
  • yesterday
  • this morning
  • last night
  • last week
  • last month
  • last year
  • 5 years ago
  • in Qing Dynasty 在清朝
  • 2000 years ago
  • in last English class
