II/ELE Dare Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

II/ELE Truth or Dare

  • Laverna
  • Ai
  • Tenny
  • Riana
  • Samario
  • Cornelius
  • Julie
  • JiaChian
  • Tammy
  • Danny
  • Chole
  • David
  • Heidy
  • MayMay
  • Flew
  • Emily
  • WeiWei
  • Dave
  • Adhistri
  • Zefanya
  • Choose a person of the opposite gender on the spot, and sing Photograph by Ed Sheeran with him.
  • Please show the sexiest way to wear socks.
  • Sing Camila Cabello-Havana with water in your mouth.
  • Pole dance with a chair for 30 seconds.
  • Shout "I'm so lonely" out the window and upload it on Instagram.
  • Eat a snack without using your hands
  • Say two honest things about everyone else in the group
  • Try and make the group laugh as quickly as possible
  • Dance without music for 30 seconds
  • Show off your secret talent
  • Showing a love gesture with a new friend you met in IIELE
  • Name the full name of IIELE camp
  • Do the "love" dance with your TA and upload to Instagram
  • Tell us 3 jokes
  • Play air guitar for 30 seconds.
  • Bite your socks to sing
  • Drink 500CC of water
  • Lying on the ground yelling, ‘I'm Not Good Looking, But I'm Very Gentle.’
  • Wear shoes on your hands for dancing
  • Tell Dave, ‘I love you.’
