More MC! Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

With even more!

  • Obsidan
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Gold
  • Lapis
  • Netherite
  • Stone
  • Emerald
  • Quartz
  • Iron
  • Coal
  • Grass
  • Podzol
  • Prismarine
  • Magma
  • Andesite
  • Granite
  • Diorite
  • Oak
  • Birch
  • Acacia
  • Dirt
  • Netherbrick
  • Rose
  • Fire Coral
  • Netherrack
  • Red Mushroom
  • Brown Mushroom
  • Mycelium
  • Vine
  • Blackstone
  • Basalt
  • Leaf
  • Glowstone
  • Kicks
  • Bakes with
  • Goes to the store with
  • Hangs out with
  • Cries with
  • Yells at
  • Watches TV with
  • Makes jokes with
  • Buys lunch for
  • Interrupts
  • Stares Menacingly at
  • Eats with
  • Stresses out over
  • Forgets about
  • Runs errands with
  • Dances with
  • Learns history with
  • Watches a boring movie with
  • Steals from
  • Hugs
  • Plays with
  • Work at the mines with
  • Chop down a tree with
  • Explores the world with
  • Breaks down a door with
  • Cloudgazes with
  • Stargazes with
  • Is mean to
  • Bothers
  • Wants to speak with
  • Swims with
  • Embarasses
  • Comforts
  • Wants to stay away from
  • Does a play with
  • Swap outfits
  • Swap personalities
  • Swap ages
  • Swap base material
  • Eat a gourmet dinner
  • Troll on the internet
  • Create a snowman
  • Create snowangels
  • Have a snowball fight
  • Have a waterballoon fight
  • Runs over to
  • Shows off to
  • Is late to
  • Attends a party for
  • Unfriends
  • Becomes friends with
  • Obsidan
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Gold
  • Lapis
  • Netherite
  • Stone
  • Emerald
  • Quartz
  • Iron
  • Coal
  • Grass
  • Podzol
  • Prismarine
  • Magma
  • Andesite
  • Granite
  • Diorite
  • Oak
  • Birch
  • Acacia
  • Dirt
  • Netherbrick
  • Rose
  • Fire Coral
  • Netherrack
  • Red Mushroom
  • Brown Mushroom
  • Mycelium
  • Vine
  • Blackstone
  • Basalt
  • Leaf
  • Glowstone
