B7U8 Author: vera791202 Fork (0)

Be going to What are you going to do __________? I am going to _____________________________. what is he going to do _____________? He is going to ___________________________. Are you going to _____________? yes, I am going to _____________. No, I am not going to _____________. Is he going to _________________? Yes, he's going to _____________. No, he isn't going to ______________.

  • He
  • she
  • they
  • we
  • you
  • I
  • Tina
  • Andy and his friends
  • My parents
  • my sister
  • watch the sunrise
  • watch the sunset
  • go on a picnic
  • see the maple leaves
  • go to the hot springs
  • have a party
  • have hot pot
  • go on a vacation
  • go cycling
  • go snorkeling
  • go skiing
  • go in-line skating
  • yes
  • no
