wut is this part 4 Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

don't ask

  • Kate
  • Claire
  • Maggie
  • Alethia
  • Anita
  • Mex
  • A random kid
  • A mad psychopath
  • An innocent stranger
  • Everyone
  • A little ducky
  • Jennie's chickens
  • A sentient loaf of bread
  • A creepy hobo that spent his life in the sewers
  • The Will Of The Gods
  • The minecraft ocelots
  • An alien that was trying to find peace
  • Your conscience
  • Your intelligence
  • was forced to take off their clothes by
  • backstabbed
  • took the clothes off of
  • had their lives and future left to
  • vomited on
  • was stabbed multiple times in the groin by
  • tied up
  • chopped off the limbs of
  • slowly took every single organ out of
  • was gifted a beautifully peaceful life by
  • married
  • was strangled to death while trying to make out with
  • snapped the neck of
  • had all their bones broken by
  • was crushed with an elephant by
  • threw a pair of pants at
  • confessed their love but was rejected by
  • slit the throat of
  • was hugged to death by
  • was burnt to death by
  • was forcibly held underwater for 20 minutes by
  • gave the elixir of life to
  • thought they were being funny but accidentally tortured
  • died from boredom because of
  • licked and bit
  • was shot 20 times in the head by
  • had a bad car accident with
  • was locked in a house and blown up by
  • ran into a trash can naked with
  • bashed their head against
  • was thought to be a chicken nugget and was deep fried by
  • was pushed into a toilet by
  • was infected by a deadly disease by
  • got gruesomely murdered by Claire because of
  • was forced to listen to Justin Bieber music by
  • decided to play "doctor" but accidentally mutated
  • was picking their nose and put their boogers on
  • farted on
  • was thought to be a toilet and was pooped on by
  • was pushed off a cliff by
  • slept together naked with
  • had their eyes licked by
  • was cooked by
  • was beat up senseless by
  • had their fingers cut off by
  • was cut in half
  • was dunked into a vat of acid by
  • was slowly and painfully murdered by
  • did absolutely nothing
  • was thought to be a murderer and got executed by
  • was thrown across the world and finally crashed into
  • tickled
  • got stuck in a dumpster because of
  • did everything on this list to
  • was restrained and tied up by
  • got karate chopped by
  • was forced to go in boiling water
  • was eaten by lions trained by
  • got turned into a puree and was drank by
  • soon became a dead corpse and was eaten by
  • saw Alethia and loved her so much until they were murdered by
  • was angry with all of this chaos and jumped on
  • rubbed the private parts of
  • had 2 liters of hot sauce forced down their mouth in one sitting by
  • was stabbed in the chest and was left there to die slowly by
  • gave the middle finger
  • was loved by everyone except
  • was forced into the deepest part of the oceans without any protective gear by
  • got stabbed in the arms by
  • had their tongue cut by
  • had their *you know what* ripped off by
  • decided to go "aight imma head out" and left
  • had a bit too much fun playing with scissors and stabbed
  • Kate
  • Claire
  • Maggie
  • Alethia
  • Anita
  • Mex
  • a little ducky
  • A sentient loaf of bread
  • Jennie's chickens
  • A creepy hobo that spent his life in the sewers
  • a random kid
  • a mad psychopath
  • an innocent stranger
  • everyone
  • no one
  • an alien that was trying to find peace
  • the Will Of The Gods
  • the minecraft ocelots
  • your conscience
  • your intelligence
