Questions Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • CPU Mii painting
  • CPU Mii eats a banana
  • CPU Mii eating someone else's banana
  • CPU Mii saying eat your food now
  • CPU Mii saying shut up
  • CPU Mii in a box
  • CPU Mii watching robot chicken when it should not be
  • CPU Mii with zipped lips
  • CPU Mii goes to the cinema to see its least favorite movie
  • CPU Mii is pregnant
  • CPU Mii watching a movie that he doesn't like
  • CPU Mii watching his least favorite TV series and he is scared
  • CPU Mii smacking its lips
  • Cpu Mii with grilled chicken
  • Cpu Mii with a headache
  • Cpu Mii eating Wii u
  • Cpu Mii gets fat at Burger King
  • Cpu Mii steals crisps
  • Cpu Mii with food completely on tongue
  • Cpu Mii smacking itself
  • Cpu Miis smacking their lips
  • Cpu Mii doing something bad
  • Cpu Mii with a grilled cheese sandwich
  • Cpu Mii watching Robot Chicken
  • Cpu Mii watching a movie at home
  • Cpu Miis stealing food
  • Cpu Mii hitting head
  • Cpu Mii saying uh huh
  • Cpu Mii watching a bad movie
  • Cpu Mii watching Robot Chicken when she shouldn't watch it
  • CPU Mii reading her name
