Poop Author: GrapeSodaBoi1 Fork (0)

  • I was having a nice family dinner and while we were saying prayers my grandma said
  • My wife was laying in bed and she told me
  • My kids were playing in their room and I heard one say
  • I was driving in my car and the police pulled me over and told me
  • My friend gave me a visit today and he told me
  • My son woke me up in the middle of the night and said
  • I was cooking dinner and my wife said
  • I was at my grandpa's funeral and my cousin said
  • I was at a family gathering and my brother came up to me and said
  • I was on the toilet when my wife walked in and said
  • My dog was barking at my son so he said
  • My cat was in heat so I said
  • Your hutt is big.
  • I ate the dog.
  • Shut the fuck up!
  • I want to lick your hutthole.
  • I am your father.
  • I will kill you.
  • I just shit my pants.
  • I'm not real. It's all a dream.
  • I'm peeing everywhere.
  • I just killed your mom.
  • Wanna have sex?
  • So I killed them.
  • So I pooped on them.
  • So I said I agree!
  • So I said WHAT THE FUCK
  • So I said shut up!
  • So I had sex with them.
  • So I licked their hutt.
  • So I left the room.
