bfb challenge generater Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • retreave
  • free the
  • circle in a
  • make-over
  • fly your
  • avoid having
  • prevent the
  • answer
  • throw
  • send 1 team member to
  • figure out
  • find
  • bring
  • protect your team's
  • help x's
  • help x
  • send 3 members of each team
  • find out who
  • free four
  • make a
  • find a blessed
  • get out
  • x's baskets
  • contestants
  • swing
  • four
  • team's airplane
  • the twinkle of contagion
  • liar ball
  • the
  • balls into
  • climb the
  • which teammate
  • x's
  • x
  • tower
  • aloe vera
  • to
  • to go to yellow face's warehouse
  • stole
  • from
  • party for
  • totem
  • of the
  • and give them back to him
  • inside of a jawbreaker
  • 50 times
  • in anyway
  • and dont make it touch the ground
  • on your team
  • enter your team's hole
  • quiz
  • x's baskets
  • stairs
  • is the impostor
  • emeralds
  • back
  • and knock down the other one
  • grow
  • cool down
  • to find gifts for the others
  • donut's diary
  • a cage
  • four
  • and be careful of the cursed totem
  • world's largest oven
