BFB math symbols randomized (UPDATED WITH NEW CHARACTERS AND FEATURES) Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Zero
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven
  • Eight
  • Nine
  • Fourteen
  • Donut (Functioned As Zero)
  • D
  • E
  • G
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
  • Asterisk
  • Pi
  • Infinity
  • Four and X put together
  • ...
  • NintySix
  • Plus
  • Helps
  • Spies On
  • Has A Crazy Party With
  • Holds a Hand With
  • Eats
  • Dates
  • Holds a leg with
  • Reads/Writes a poem for
  • Marries
  • Eats with
  • Ties legs together with
  • Cooks with
  • Does a high zero/high one/ high two/high three/high four/high five/high six/high seven/high eight/high nine/high fourteen with
  • Slaps
  • Punches
  • Licks
  • Comforts
  • Dominates
  • In a boat with
  • Hugs
  • In a sleepover with
  • Kicks
  • Laughs at
  • Laughs with
  • Zero
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven
  • Eight
  • Nine
  • Fourteen
  • Donut (Functioned As Zero)
  • D
  • E
  • G
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
  • Asterisk
  • Pi
  • Infinity
  • Four and X put together
  • ...
  • NintySix
  • Plus
