B3U6 Author: vera791202 Fork (0)

  • Sharron
  • Ken
  • Cindy and Lucy
  • Her sisters
  • My dad and mom
  • I
  • My brother
  • My friends
  • The teacher
  • The boys
  • The students
  • ride a bike
  • fly a kite
  • play the violin
  • do ___ homework
  • go swimming
  • cook
  • play dodgeball
  • watch TV
  • listen to music
  • read the newspaper
  • keep a diary
  • go mountain climbing
  • do the laundry
  • sweep the floor
  • mop the floor
  • walk the dog
  • play chess
  • water the plants
  • take a walk
  • Mondays
  • Sundays
  • Saturdays
  • morning
  • afternoon
  • evening
  • six o' clock
  • nine thirty
