Cooking Idea - 今晚煮乜餸 Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • 豬肉 - 肩胛:梅花肉(胛心肉) Pork - scapular: Plum meat (shoulder blade heart meat)
  • 豬肉 - 頸肉(槽頭肉、雪花肉、霜降肉、松阪豬) Pork - neck meat (meat slotted head, meat snow, frost meat, Matsusaka pig)
  • 豬肉 - 頰肉(嘴邊肉、豬頭皮) Pork - cheek meat (meat mouth, pig skin)
  • 豬肉 - 骨仔肉(豬頭肉) Pork - Aberdeen bone meat (ZhuTouRou)
  • 豬肉 - 背脊:大里肌(背肌肉) Pork - backs: Tali muscles (back muscles)
  • 豬肉 - 小里肌(腰內肉) Pork - small in muscle (in the loin)
  • 豬肉 - 大排(排骨、帶骨里肌) Pork - big row (ribs, bone in muscle)
  • 豬肉 - 小排(里肌小排、五花小排、腩排) Pork - chops (small muscle in the row, small streaky row, row belly)
  • 豬肉 - 二層肉(離緣肉) Pork - Layer meat (meat from the edge)
  • 豬肉 - 腹脅:五花肉(三層肉) Pork - bellies: pork (pork belly)
  • 豬肉 - 肝連肉(隔間肉) Pork - liver flesh (meat compartment)
  • 豬肉 - 腿:腿肉(瘦肉、赤肉、精肉) Pork - leg: ham (lean meat, red meat, meat)
  • 豬肉 - 大腿肉(蹄膀、腿庫、腳庫) Pork - thigh meat (pork knuckle, leg libraries, foot library)
  • 豬肉 - 腱子肉(老鼠肉) Pork - sinew meat (Lao Shurou)
  • 豬肉 - 腳蹄(豬腳) Pork - hooves (pig)
  • 牛肉 - 絞肉 Beef - ground meat
  • 牛肉 - 牛排 Beef - Steak
  • 牛肉 - 涮牛肉 Beef - beef shabu
  • 牛肉 - 牛柳 Beef - Beef
  • 牛肉 - 牛仔骨 Beef - Ribs
  • 牛肉 - 牛腩 Beef - sirloin
  • 雞肉 chicken
  • 鴨 duck
  • 火雞 Turkey
  • 牡蠣 Oyster
  • 蛤蜊 clams
  • 鮭魚 Salmon
  • 雞腿 Chicken
  • 雞蛋 egg
  • 雞肉 chicken
  • 鴨 duck
  • 火雞 Turkey
  • 牡蠣 Oyster
  • 蛤蜊 clams
  • 鮭魚 Salmon
  • 雞腿 Chicken
  • 雞蛋 egg
  • 草菇 straw mushroom
  • 金針菇 Mushroom
  • 靈芝菇 Ganoderma mushroom
  • 海鮮菇 Mushroom sea
  • 洋蔥 onion
  • 京蔥 Scallion
  • 青豆 Haricot vert
  • 白豆 White Beans
  • 芽菜 Sprouts
  • 珍珠筍 Pearl shoots
  • 荷荳 Dutch beans
  • 洋蔥 onion
  • 白蘿蔔 White radish
  • 紅菜頭 Beetroot
  • 紅蘿蔔 carrot
  • 筍 Bamboo shoot
  • 蘆筍 asparagus
  • 干蔥頭 Dried onion
  • 蓮藕 Lotus
  • 紅尖椒 Red pepper
  • 青尖椒 Green pepper
  • 番茄 tomato
  • 超甜粟 Super sweet millet
  • 車厘茄 Cherry tomatoes
  • 南瓜 pumpkin
  • 絲瓜 Loofah
  • 茄瓜 Qiegua
  • 毛瓜 Mao melon
  • 苦瓜 Bitter
  • 冬瓜 Melon
  • 青瓜 Cucumber
  • 西椒 West pepper
  • 甜椒 Bell pepper
  • 秋葵 Okra
  • 白菜 Chinese cabbage
  • 津菜 Cuisine of Tianjin
  • 通菜 Tung Choi
  • 茼蒿 Chrysanthemum
  • 芥蘭 Kale
  • 白椰 White Coconut
  • 菜芯仔 Dishes core Aberdeen
  • 菠菜 spinach
  • 豆苗 Bean sprouts
  • 蒜心 Garlic heart
  • 韭花 Allium flower
  • 西芹 Celery
  • 西蘭花 broccoli
  • 羅馬生菜 Romaine lettuce
  • 娃娃菜 Baby food
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