Hotel killing game slot machine Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Michiko
  • Rolo
  • Kara
  • Ruki
  • Sekai
  • Rubino
  • Emao
  • Akari
  • Yui
  • Kichi
  • Phoenix
  • Ken
  • Hitomu
  • Hotaru
  • Kychi
  • Kodo
  • Kills
  • Bakes cookies with
  • Makes out with
  • Does nothing with
  • Argues with
  • Cheats on
  • Cuddles with
  • Watches a movie with
  • Goes shopping with
  • Teaches their ultimate to
  • Gets in trouble because of
  • Hates
  • Fishes with
  • Plans a murder with
  • Makes dinner with
  • Celebrates their birthday with
  • Goes to a paintball match with
  • Plans to kill Phoenix with
  • Plans to kill Michiko with
  • Plans to kill Ken with
  • Plans to kill Hotaru with
  • Plans to kill Sekai with
  • Plans to kill Rubino with
  • Plans to kill Hitomu with
  • Plans to overthrow Phoenix’s kingdom with
  • Burns something precious to
  • Kills all of the friends of
  • Survives with
  • Falls head over heels for
  • Makes popcorn with
  • Makes a mess with
  • Has ice cream with
  • Michiko
  • Rolo
  • Kara
  • Ruki
  • Sekai
  • Rubino
  • Emao
  • Akari
  • Yui
  • Kichi
  • Phoenix
  • Ken
  • Hitomu
  • Hotaru
  • Kychi
  • Kodo
