What happened to them? Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Abe
  • Alisha
  • Anna
  • Asami
  • Barbara
  • Chris
  • Cole
  • Daisuke
  • Eduardo
  • Eva
  • Fritz
  • Gabi
  • Gabriele
  • George
  • Gwen
  • Haru
  • Hiromasa
  • Hiroshi
  • Ian
  • Kathrin
  • Lucía
  • Marco
  • Maria
  • Marisa
  • Matt
  • Miguel
  • Mike
  • Misaki
  • Miyu
  • Nelly
  • Pablo
  • Rachel
  • Ren
  • Rin
  • Sarah
  • Shinta
  • Shouta
  • Steph
  • Stéphanie
  • Takashi
  • Takumi
  • Theo
  • Tommy
  • Tomoko
  • Tyrone
  • Ursula
  • Vincenzo
  • Yoko
  • Vs Jonathan Frost
  • Has a sick day
  • Yells at Robbie Rotten
  • Is crying and screaming
  • Dabs
  • Gets angry at Jonathan Reddit
  • Is sobbing and wailing in pain
  • Is very sad and angry
  • Burps
  • Eats a banana
  • Pulls the blanket on himself/herself
  • Is very headachey
  • Whispers in Lucy’s ear
  • Stubs his/her toe
  • Tells off Chloe Carmichael
  • Sleeps with Lucy
