Trisha611’s Slot favorited cast characters Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

Hi,Welcome to my fun slot!,I’m Trisha!,yes!,I created the random slot for this machine,so good luck!

  • Trisha
  • Nathalie
  • Alyssa
  • Aleka
  • Aleks
  • Ashley
  • Lily
  • Nia
  • Ludwig
  • Lemmy
  • Roy
  • Iggy
  • Wendy
  • Morton
  • Larry
  • Bowser jr
  • Flain
  • Vulk
  • Zorch
  • Krader
  • Seismo
  • Shuff
  • Teslo
  • Volectro
  • Zaptor
  • Flurr
  • Lunk
  • Slumbo
  • Gumball
  • Darwin
  • Anais
  • Penny
  • Banana joe
  • Tobias
  • Tina
  • Carrie
  • Teri
  • Masami
  • Sarah
  • Alan
  • Mordecai
  • Rigby
  • Skips
  • Hive five ghost
  • Muscle man
  • Pops
  • Benson
  • Thomas
  • Kai (Ninjago show/season 1)
  • Jay (Ninjago show/season 1)
  • Zane (ninjago show/season 1)
  • Cole (ninjago shows/season 1)
  • Lloyd (ninjago show/season 2)
  • Nya (ninjago show/season 1)
  • Kai (Ninjago movie/season 8)
  • Jay (Ninjago movie/season 8)
  • Zane (Ninjago movie/season 8)
  • Cole (Ninjago movie/Season 8)
  • Lloyd (Ninjago movie/season 8)
  • Nya (Ninjago movie/Season 8
  • Kooky
  • Hip
  • Bully
  • Hop
  • Kootie pie
  • Big mouth
  • Cheatsy
  • Prince Koopa jr
  • Kaiko
  • Lenka
  • Luka
  • Rin
  • Gakuko
  • Miku
  • Gumi
  • Skylor (Ninjago)
  • P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
  • Seliel (Ninjago)
  • Harumi (Ninjago)
  • Grizz
  • Panda
  • Ice Bear
  • Chloe
  • Charlie
  • Ranger Tabes
  • Nom Noms
  • Flamberge
  • Susie
  • Zan partizanne
  • Francisca
  • Helping
  • Hanging out
  • Dates With
  • Marries
  • Play video games with
  • Flirts with
  • Eating with
  • Cooks with
  • Reads with
  • Writes
  • Draws with
  • Draws
  • Eating
  • Drinks with
  • Kisses
  • Seduce
  • Jumpscared
  • Scared
  • Holds hands with
  • Holds legs with
  • Ties arms together with
  • Ties Legs together with
  • Cuddles
  • Hugs
  • Wrapping Presents with
  • Is lost with
  • Poking
  • Baking with
  • Kills
  • Dominates
  • Is happy when ______ is pregnant
  • Is Pregnant with
  • Discovers mansion with
  • Discovers house with
  • Sings with
  • Dances with
  • Playing tags with
  • Marrying
  • Kicking
  • Punching
  • In the Mistletoe with
  • Wearing
  • Cuddling
  • Swimming with
  • Going dates with
  • Listens to music with
  • Helps
  • Hits
  • Thinking that is sexy character
  • Making a Friend with
  • Talking someone about ________’s secret
  • Is Having a Girlfriend/Boyfriend with
  • Fuse with
  • Fusion with
  • Calms down
  • Comforts to
  • Having a ultimate party with
  • Has a crazy party with
  • Reading ______’s Diary book
  • Got punched by Fist thingy with
  • Throwing forks and hit
  • Blushes at
  • Does hive five with
  • Dies in sadness to
  • Dies in angry to
  • Dies happiness to
  • Discovers a portal with
  • Traunts
  • Racing with
  • Running with
  • Sitting with
  • Walking with
  • Genderswaps with
  • Genderbends with
  • Body swaps with
  • Swings with
  • Switch’s body with
  • Switch’s voice with
  • Got Jumpscared to
  • Got pranked to
  • Chases
  • Becomes anime with
  • Bullies
  • Reading book with
  • Watching movies and sit next to him/her is
  • Plays tic-tac-toe with
  • Spice on
  • Sees
  • Stalking to
  • Sleeps on
  • Sleeps with
  • Tickles
  • Goes for a walk with
  • Sits next to
  • Dreams of
  • Smiles at
  • Laughs at
  • Laughs with
  • Has a conversation with
  • Bakes a cake for
  • Pats
  • Licks
  • Swaps bodies with
  • Sleeps under
  • Draw
  • Stares
  • Kick
  • Grabs
  • Slaps
  • Clothes swaps with
  • Trisha
  • Nathalie
  • Alyssa
  • Aleka
  • Aleks
  • Ashley
  • Lily
  • Nia
  • Kaiko
  • Lenka
  • Luka
  • Rin
  • Gakuko
  • Miku
  • Gumi
  • Ludwig
  • Lemmy
  • Roy
  • Iggy
  • Wendy
  • Morton
  • Larry
  • Bowser jr
  • Kooky
  • Hip
  • Bully
  • Hop
  • Kootie pie
  • Big mouth
  • Cheatsy
  • Prince koopa jr
  • Flain
  • Vulk
  • Zorch
  • Krader
  • Seismo
  • Shuff
  • Teslo
  • Volectro
  • Zaptor
  • Flurr
  • Lunk
  • Slumbo
  • Gumball
  • Darwin
  • Anais
  • Penny
  • Banana joe
  • Tobias
  • Tina
  • Carrie
  • Teri
  • Masami
  • Sarah
  • Alan
  • Mordecai
  • Rigby
  • Skips
  • Hive five ghost
  • Muscle man
  • Pops
  • Benson
  • Thomas
  • Kai (Ninjago show/Season 1)
  • Jay (Ninjago show/Season 1)
  • Zane (Ninjago show/Season 1)
  • Cole (Ninjago show/Season 1)
  • Lloyd (Ninjago show/Season 2)
  • Nya (Ninjago show/Season 1)
  • Kai (Ninjago Movie/Season 8)
  • Jay (Ninjago Movie/Season 8)
  • Zane (Ninjago Movie/Season 8)
  • Cole (Ninjago Movie/Season 8)
  • Lloyd (Ninjago Movie/Season 8)
  • Nya (Ninjago Movie/Season 8)
  • Skylor (Ninjago)
  • P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
  • Seliel (Ninjago)
  • Harumi (Ninjago)
  • Grizz
  • Panda
  • Ice bear
  • Chloe
  • Charlie
  • Ranger Tabes
  • Nom Noms
  • Flamberge
  • Susie
  • Zan Partizanne
  • Francisca
