The Object Creator Slot Edition 8: Elimination Time Edition Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

This is always the most important thing in object shows. First part is the mini prize that the safe boys and girls get. Second is the fate that the eliminated person gets.

  • Nothing
  • A slice of cake
  • A cookie
  • A moldy cake
  • Jar of nothing
  • Hot Dogs
  • Some toy
  • A coin
  • Books
  • Poorly made decorations
  • Something suspicious...
  • Get sent to the TLC
  • Get sent to the LOL
  • Get sent to space
  • Falls in a pit
  • Has to work for the host for the rest of the show
  • Gets sent to a mansion
  • Gets kicked off the land
  • Crushed
  • Turns into something
  • Goes back to their life
  • Gets oof
  • Unknown
