Cries like Chika from Lucy & The Cry Babies Babies Go Out
Burps lightly with mouthful of food like Ursula
Makes an explosion like Ashley
Talks with a mouthful of noodles like Sarah Kirk
Yawns and smacks his/her lips like Mike
Wakes up like Hiromasa & Asami did
Shouts “DIE!!!!!!!!” like Ivo
Crying (Sims 2)
Screams and cries at Disaster Movie (2008) like Haru
Says “No, I don’t want that!” like Pumkin
Shows food on tongue like George Benson
Shouts “YEOWCH!!!!!!” like Sandy
Has a blue rose and looks angry like Steph
Holds an apple like Takashi
Signs you in like Tomoko
Vomits like Pinkie Pie
Is in bubblegum like 4 characters with the camera
Is an angel like Fritz
Wants cake with you like Yoko
Speaks Chinese like Takashi in He's Chinese
Sings Ippatsuman theme song like Lucy Adderley
Loves you like Elisa
Watches football like dads
Kills Plankton like Spongebob
In TLC like BFDI
Whispers " My name is >>>>>>>>," like Locky
Screams like Patrick Star
Talks quietly like Paul
Burps like Shrek
Gets a penalty like Patrick Star
Says "حسنا! الآن أنت تستمع لي ، أنت الملتوية الطير! لا يمكنك سرقة دماغ شخص ما لمجرد أنه يطير في الفناء الخاص بك! هذا قيلولة في المخ! ويبدو أنني سأكون كالين 'الشرطة!"
Gets attacked by Squid Patty and screams like Tom from Tom and Jerry