Object Creator Slot Edition 3 (Show Edition) Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

Good, you have your randomly generated Slot Objects from the first and second ones! You know what they need now? A show (not really this is for fun lol)! First slot is the style of show, and 2nd is the tone of the show. Very few options but oh well.

  • Competition Show
  • A Slice Of Life Show
  • Murder Mystery
  • Detective Show
  • A Superhero Show
  • An Adventure Show
  • Mystery Show
  • Fantasy Show
  • A Little Kids Show (Because I can)
  • A Sitcom
  • Space Show
  • Stereotypical
  • Boring
  • It has an E P I C twist
  • Comedy
  • Mildly Dramatic
  • Over Dramatic
  • Sickly Sweet
  • Original
  • Whatever you want it to be B)
  • Educational (hopefully won’t be pared with some)
