Lucy Adderley wants to be duet Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Elbow Room by Akira
  • Verb! Now That's What's Happening by Alisha
  • Them Not-So-Dry Bones by Asami
  • Choco Time by Eddy
  • Telegraph Line by Emma
  • Naughty Number Nine by George
  • Tyrannosaurus Debt by Helen Parr
  • Mother Necessity by Hiromasa
  • The Great American Melting Pot by Jackie
  • Dollars and Sense by Lucía
  • Elementary, my Dear by Marisa
  • Ready or Not, Here I Come by Matt
  • Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla by Pablo
  • Unpack Your Adjectives by Pierre
  • No More Kings by Sakura
  • Figure Eight by Steph
  • My Hero Zero by Stephanie
  • The Shot Heard 'Round The World by Takumi
  • A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing by Tyrone
  • Interplanet Janet by Victor
  • Three is a Magic Number by Yoko
  • Drilling Oil by Cole
  • The Dead Lamb by Daisuke
  • Another Bad Dream by Elisa
  • Digging Coal by Emily
  • Roasted Marshmallows by Fritz
  • Deadlines are Back by Fumiko
  • Black Poison by Gabriele
  • Space Invader by Giovanna
  • Spiders by Hiromi
  • The Hyperactive Scream by Holly
  • Spring Awakening by Kathrin
  • Bowser's Entrance by Marco
  • Just Freak Out by Michael
  • Executive Crashdown by Misaki
  • Dark Purple Shadows by Naomi
  • Thought Grounded by Oscar
  • The Royal Flush by Ren
  • The Eleven of Hearts by Ryan
  • The Card Counter by Takashi
  • The Eighteen of Spades by Ursula
  • Planet's Flame by Abe
  • Curiousity by Ai
  • Big Trouble by Anna
  • Eighteen Wheels by Ashley
  • Howling Wind by Barbara
  • High School Mob by Chris
  • Come with Me by Helen
  • Return by Hiroshi
  • The Apartment by Ian
  • Rocket King by Incrediboy
  • Fox in Red Blood by Luca
  • Birthly Follows by Maria
  • The Reaper by Megan
  • Touchdown by Nick
  • Get Out of Here by Shouta
  • My Nightmare by Siobhan
  • Jumping Weasels by Sota
  • Far Far Away by Steve
  • Give Up by Tomoko
  • Get Over Here by Vincenzo
  • The Drunk Song by Asami
  • Deathly Hot by Yoshi
  • Old Kentucky Home by David
  • Wolves by Eduardo
  • Dark Purple Sky by Eva
  • Light Yellow Stars by Gabi
  • Canada's Love Song by Greg
  • O Canada by Hayley
  • White Lord by Jake
  • Waterfall by Keiko
  • Another Good Dream by Kentaro
  • Sunlight by Martin
  • Sunset by Midori
  • Poisoned With Blood by Ursula
  • Fireworks of Colors by Rachel
  • Cold Water by Rainer
  • Rockets' Red Glare by Rin
  • America the Beautiful by Sandra
  • Midnight's Awaken by Shinnosuke
  • Call of The Birds by Shinta
  • Light Color Fireworks by Silke
  • Red, White, and Blue by Susana
  • Four Stars by Theo
  • Summer's Awakening by Akira
  • Spring's Over by Alisha
  • Dark Blue Sky by Asami
  • Ode to Batman by Eddy
  • Rivendell by Emma
  • Light Blue Sky by George
  • 4 AM by Hiromi
  • Teal Water by Hiromasa
  • Lilac Flowers by Jackie
  • Maroon Roses by Lucía
  • Froze to Death by Ursula
  • Orange is a Sad Color by Marisa
  • Melted Rocks by Matt
  • Red Stone by Pablo
  • Carved Flowing by Pierre
  • Pink Pansies by Sakura
  • Blossom in the Tree by Steph
  • Life is Fair by Stephanie
  • Yellow Birds by Takumi
  • Space War is Over by Tyrone
  • Red Cardinals by Victor
  • White Lights by Yoko
  • America the Beautiful by Abe
  • Butterflies by Ai
  • Home on the Range by Anna
  • Opera Star by Ashley
  • Goodnight by Barbara
  • Sweet Dreams by Chris
  • See You Again by Helen
  • Morning Birds by Incrediboy
  • Heart of Life by Ian
  • Consumers by Luca
  • Fireflies by Maria
  • Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Megan
  • Roses by Nick
  • Lights in the Sky by Shouta
  • Fireworks by Siobhan
  • Daisies by Sota
  • Cherry Blossoms by Steve
  • Snow Angels by Tomoko
  • Lights Out by Vincenzo
  • Rapunzel by Hiromi
  • Auld Lyne Syne by Yoshi
  • Light by David
  • Fireworks by Eduardo
  • July by Eva
  • Declaration by Gabi
  • Independence by Greg
  • Freedom by Hayley
  • Coca-Cola by Jake
  • Picnic by Keiko
  • Parade by Kentaro
  • Summer by Martin
  • Stars by Midori
  • Bombs by Mirage
  • Celebrate by Rachel
  • Liberty by Rainer
  • Stripes by Rin
  • Congress by Sandra
  • Justice by Shinnosuke
  • President by Shinta
  • Flag by Silke
  • Sparkler by Susana
  • Republic by Theo
  • Eighteen Wheels a Rollin' by Akira
  • Hey! a Movie by Alisha
  • Summertime by Asami
  • The Bison's Horn by Eddy
  • The Buffalo's Horn by Emma
  • Football in Brazil by George
  • Somebody Here Me by Helen Parr
  • Highway Uptown Stars by Hiromasa
  • Black Widow by Jackie
  • Class Clown by Lucia
  • I'll Be Your Cop by Patrick
  • Swing Up, Swing Down by Marisa
  • New York City by Matt
  • Country Omelet by Pablo
  • Genius in France by Pierre
  • Space Spelonging by Sakura
  • Fix It! by Steph
  • Welcome to the Jungle by Stephanie
  • Coconut Countless by Takumi
  • Come on Lily by Tyrone
  • Red Chosen One by Victor
  • Light 'Em Up by Yoko
