Sophia: 2230 OBJECTS SHOULD DIE!!!!!!! Sword, Pen, Eraser, Snowball, Swim Trunks & Pie: (Whispers in Announcer’s ear) Nasnksmmsnsugsghdh. Cheng-Han: (whispers) I’m whispering right now. I’m whispering on the phone to my sister, Lucy Adderley! And I’ll be just about 5 minutes, I’m going to kill… Pss pss pss pss pss pss. Helena Collins: STOP IT!!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!! Lucy Adderley, Yuya, Ursula, Pian-Pian, Joost, Jilalan, Massimo & Kaori: (whispers) Hagsjmsbuaiwjsmisijsak. (211 objects scream at whispering) Big Orange Chicken: NO!!!!!!!! YOU CANNOT HAVE LASAGNA, ALL OF THE CONTESTANTS EVER!!!!!!!!