Sorry! Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Lucy Adderley
  • Hiromi Spencer
  • Miyu Adderley
  • Chris White
  • Susie Adderley
  • Abby Lorenzo
  • Tyrone Benson
  • Shinta Collins
  • Steven Arty
  • Ashley Benson
  • Hiromi Collins
  • Clara Everest
  • Sees
  • Has food completely on tongue with
  • Chooses
  • Shouts “SHUT UP YOU FREAKING IDIOTS!!!!!!” in unison with
  • Hurts Kathy Ray with
  • Cries with
  • Sings ‘This is Halloween’ with
  • Goes in the box with
  • Sees a box with
  • Under parachute (inside) with
  • Talks to
  • Looks at pictures of
  • Sings a song with
  • Draws with
  • Hits >>>>>>>> and he/she says “Sorry!”
  • Sleeps with blanket over his/her head with
  • Hypnotises
  • Is alone with
  • Bruce Custard
  • Massimo Collins
  • Haruka Love
  • Nick Collin
  • Jilalan Adderley
  • Dunbar Quiche
  • Xixi Collins
  • Ilka Adderley
  • Ai Collins
  • Ivo Adderley
  • Hee-joon Cowboy
  • Alisha Adderley
