Eek! Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Jessie
  • Emily
  • David
  • Eva
  • Pierre
  • Rachel
  • Theo
  • Siobhán
  • Patrick
  • Hayley
  • Ashley
  • Naomi
  • Jake
  • Sandra
  • Greg
  • Shohei
  • Lucía
  • Fumiko
  • Ren
  • Víctor
  • Megan
  • Eddy
  • Michael
  • Sota
  • Stéphanie
  • Abe
  • Elisa
  • Holly
  • Oscar
  • Rainer
  • Silke
  • Julie
  • Daisuke
  • Luca
  • Jackie
  • Akira
  • Susana
  • Tatsuaki
  • Keiko
  • Andy
  • Steve
  • Sakura
  • Alex
  • Saburo
  • Kentaro
  • Giovanna
  • Midori
  • Maria
  • Helen
  • Haru
  • Yoshi
  • Takumi
  • Emma
  • Hiromi
  • Chika
  • Pablo
  • Misaki
  • Vincenzo
  • Kathrin
  • Nelly
  • Hiroshi
  • Tommy
  • Tyrone
  • Gwen
  • Rin
  • Eduardo
  • Chris
  • Mike
  • George
  • Matt
  • Is terrified of spiders
  • Farts really loudly
  • Still has confused face from Miitomo
  • Has determined face from Miitomo (with tongue now)
  • Still has tongue in food
  • Inside his/her room
  • Has resolve face from Miitomo while saying “DON’T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN YOU PUNK!!!!”
  • Is very quiet and whispers “Yes, POTT’s asleep. Now to wake him up, but I have to talk quietly with my breath,”
  • Whispers 30 decibels in front of See Ya Later Gladiator
