Pink Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Jovita
  • Cole
  • Gabi
  • Guillermo
  • Massimo
  • Haru
  • Haruka
  • Sirpa
  • Lilith
  • Siobhán
  • Sota
  • Maria
  • Miguel
  • Ursula
  • Abby
  • Ashley
  • Rainer
  • Hiromi
  • Hiroshi
  • Alisha
  • Hiromasa
  • Sarah
  • Marco
  • Asami
  • Anna
  • Gabriele
  • Tomoko
  • Takashi
  • Marisa
  • Ian
  • Barbara
  • Shinta
  • Steph
  • Fritz
  • Yoko
  • Leng-kuh
  • Pearl (CPU Mii)
  • Adagio
  • Matt
  • Raina
  • Quinda
  • Everyone
  • Dances with
  • Dresses up with
  • Cries with
  • Sings an adult lullaby to
  • Goes to sleep to
  • Loves having
  • Starts an adult party with
  • Says “Ok, Baby Girl!” to
  • Kisses
  • Won’t hurt
  • Goes to fireworks with
  • Whispers “Yay!” to
  • Well dones
  • Donates with
  • In lift with
  • Goes underwater with
  • Speaks a foreign language with
  • Really wants
  • Sees
  • On seesaw with
  • Plays in bed with
  • Cheers for
  • Fights for
  • Has a selfie with
  • Shares his/her favourite food with
  • Does a reference to
  • Is UBFFs with
  • Dreams of
  • Works with
  • Helps
  • Screams at the bite of
  • Looks at pictures of
  • Is under his/her parachute with
  • Talks with
  • Sits next to
  • Will have
  • Says “You’re my (worst ever food)” to
  • Goes on the swing with
  • Deserves
  • Sings the same song as
  • Happily be just him/her and
  • Pulls the covers over him/her and
  • Treasures
  • Glows blue and disappears with
  • Does magic with
  • Plays with
  • Has the heart of
  • Feels so sorry for
  • Soothingly shushes
  • Comforts
  • Soothes
  • Vomits with
  • In the same bedroom as
  • In bedsheet with
  • Still with
  • Watches Swordplay Showdown with
  • Has a lemon drizzle with
  • Has 1 on 1 with
  • Says “So, you’re with ME?!?!?” to
  • Plays Swordplay Showdown with
  • Agrees with
  • Respect the opinions of
  • Helps stop cancer with
  • Has coffee morning with
  • Sings with
  • Won’t fight with
  • Drives with
  • Calls sweet names to
  • Shares with
  • Plays a game with
  • Uses the slide with
  • Sings ‘Uptown Girl’ to
  • Is extremely happy with
  • Is so proud of
  • Shouts at Kathy Ray’s face with
  • Adores
  • Cuddles
  • Is pink with
  • Turns evil with
  • Has an idea with
  • Has resolve face from miitomo with
  • Sprays water at
  • Goes to chip shop for Kat & Ana with
  • Pranks all of the Popeye characters with
  • Has a selfie with
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
  • Lucy Adderley
