Four & X Situation Simulator Author: MsBonnieArt Fork (0)

Have you hit a brick wall in terms of story ideas? Just sit back and relax! Watch this machine (and one hour of work) make the ideas flow right in front of your eyes!

  • Mr.Sunshine
  • Pumpkin
  • Mr.Mean
  • 30s 4
  • 30’s X
  • Mr.Mathematics
  • X-The-Host
  • Unknown 4
  • Edge
  • Cade
  • Product 4
  • Product X
  • Titanic 4
  • Titanic X
  • Benny
  • Meme 4
  • Meme X
  • Pride
  • Depresso
  • X (Gluteus Maximus)
  • Detective 4
  • Detective X
  • Generic Cliche Girl Version of 4
  • Generic Cliche Girl Version of X
  • Four & Junior
  • Manfri
  • Sweetland 4
  • Sweet land X
  • Mistake 4
  • Mistake X
  • 1920’s 4
  • Armless 4
  • Armless X
  • Flug
  • Butterxfly
  • Woodland X
  • Mr.Cloud
  • Mr.Star
  • 4 (Beano the Fox)
  • X (Beano the Fox)
  • 4 (Neptune & Stephanie Hurtado)
  • X (Neptune & Stephanie Hurtado)
  • 4 (Namachuki)
  • Blind X (Namachuki)
  • Chill 4
  • Heartbreak 4
  • Demon 4
  • Angel X
  • Lycan 4
  • Bubblegum
  • Walker 4
  • Walker X
  • Delinquent 4
  • Delinquent X
  • Boozehound 4
  • Boozehound X
  • Guardian 4
  • Guardian X
  • Headless 4
  • 4 (Vanvid Tu Tia Painting)
  • Bitch 4
  • Clockwork 4
  • James
  • Clifton
  • Shadow
  • TV 4
  • TV X
  • Flower 4
  • Ur
  • Fo
  • Crystal Four
  • Hanahaki Four
  • Doll Four
  • Shipenized Four
  • Fights
  • Hugs
  • Must get past
  • Switches bodies with
  • Is handcuffed to
  • Annoys
  • Accidentally kisses
  • Bumps into
  • Turns into a child along with
  • Has flashbacks
  • Turns evil with
  • Starts an alliance with
  • Hurts someone with
  • Clones themselves with
  • Teaches math to
  • Becomes nicer to
  • Becomes best friends with
  • Becomes worst enemies with
  • Gets lost with
  • Kills
  • Switches personalities with
  • Injures
  • Protects
  • Dies for
  • Switches powers with
  • Entertains
  • Pushes
  • Flies with
  • Revives one person with
  • Becomes vulnerable infront of
  • Trips infront of
  • Trips
  • Falls asleep on
  • Falls asleep with
  • Comes across
  • Follows
  • Asks for help from
  • Gets feelings for
  • Becomes obsessed over
  • Feels they to get away from
  • Has the urge to kill
  • Regrets life depictions with
  • Turns kinder infront of
  • Turns meaner infront of
  • Views the memories of
  • Watches TV with
  • Fights over [insert here] with
  • Talks about [insert here] with
  • Cries with
  • Cries infront of
  • Helps
  • Pats
  • Falls onto
  • Ships themselves with
  • Feels pressured by
  • Treats
  • Cooks with
  • Cooks for
  • Feels threatened by
  • Flirts with
  • Takes photo with
  • Takes photo of
  • Is framed by
  • Frames
  • Draws for
  • Gets a drawing from
  • Throws a paper at
  • Rides on
  • Gets ridden on by
  • Faints near
  • Faints from
  • Faints on
  • Becomes anxious near
  • Threatens
  • Scares
  • Compliments
  • Gives candy to
  • Gives poisoned candy to
  • Is complimented by
  • Comforts
  • Is comforted by
  • Roasts
  • Is roasted by
  • Turns into a child in front of
  • Mr.Sunshine
  • Pumpkin
  • Mr.Mean
  • 30s 4
  • 30’s X
  • Mr.Mathematics
  • X-The-Host
  • Unknown 4
  • Edge
  • Cade
  • Product 4
  • Product X
  • Titanic 4
  • Titanic X
  • Benny
  • Meme 4
  • Meme X
  • Pride
  • Depresso
  • X (Gluteus Maximus)
  • Detective 4
  • Detective X
  • Generic Cliche Girl Version of 4
  • Generic Cliche Girl Version of X
  • Four & Junior
  • Manfri
  • Sweetland 4
  • Sweet land X
  • Mistake 4
  • Mistake X
  • 1920’s 4
  • Armless 4
  • Armless X
  • Flug
  • Butterxfly
  • Woodland X
  • Mr.Cloud
  • Mr.Star
  • 4 (Beano the Fox)
  • X (Beano the Fox)
  • 4 (Neptune & Stephanie Hurtado)
  • X (Neptune & Stephanie Hurtado)
  • 4 (Namachuki)
  • Blind X (Namachuki)
  • Chill 4
  • Heartbreak 4
  • Demon 4
  • Angel X
  • Lycan 4
  • Bubblegum
  • Walker 4
  • Walker X
  • Delinquent 4
  • Delinquent X
  • Boozehound 4
  • Boozehound X
  • Guardian 4
  • Guardian X
  • Headless 4
  • 4 (Vanvid Tu Tia Painting)
  • Bitch 4
  • Clockwork 4
  • James
  • Clifton
  • Shadow
  • TV 4
  • TV X
  • Flower 4
  • Ur
  • Fo
  • Crystal Four
  • Hanahaki Four
  • Doll Four
  • Shipenized Four
