how to die Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

Draw yourself doing the thing you got lol

  • Stab yourself
  • Set yourself on fire
  • Do not eat anything
  • Do not drink anything
  • Shoot yourself
  • Ask someone to kill you
  • Jump off a cliff
  • Watch cringy videos
  • Get cancer
  • Get AIDS
  • Get ebola
  • Get every disease
  • Get Black Death
  • Get eaten by maggots
  • Get eaten by a shark
  • Get eaten by a crocodile
  • Slip in the shower
  • Mix bleach and ammonia
  • Drink while driving
  • Do not pay attention to the road while driving
  • Ignore a toothache
  • Jump out of a window
  • Drink too much water
  • Fall off a ladder
  • Have a car crash
  • Choke
  • Play frogger in real life
  • Have a brain aneurism
  • Magically die
  • Go into space without a space suit
  • KYS
  • Drink bleach
  • Laugh too hard
  • Wait until you die
  • Become more than a hundred years old
  • Stick yourself to the wall with super glue
  • Think about why you are even living and why you even exist and how tf the universe exists when it created itself.
  • Get spiked
  • Get inflated until you pop
  • Get ripped in halp
  • Get ripped too much (from exercise)
  • Tell your brain to make your body stop working
  • Have a dead eye
  • Rip your heart out
  • Rip your lungs out
  • Smoke a fuck ton
  • Stop breathing
  • Bleed to death
  • Get killed by a villain
  • Melt
  • Explode
  • Stay in a fire
  • Stay next to a bomb
  • Stay next to a grenade
  • Attempt the things in 1000 Ways to Die
  • Get blasted
  • Just die
  • Get asked to die
  • Simply die
  • Die without pain
  • Die
