L4時態練習 Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Jolin Tsai
  • Jay Chou
  • A-Lin
  • JJ Lin
  • Elva Hsiao
  • LeeHom Wang
  • Jacky Wu
  • Tsai Ing-Wen
  • Doraemon
  • Sakura Momoko
  • Naruto
  • Saint
  • Ray Du
  • Show Luo
  • 1吳幸真
  • 2李政融
  • 3李書瑜
  • 4侯羽珊
  • 5高慈憶
  • 6許亘甯
  • 7郭紀彤
  • 8陳宛柔
  • 9陳玟瑾
  • 10陳玲玲
  • 11曾幸妤
  • 12曾鈺文
  • 13黃莛珺
  • 14楊文璟
  • 15鄧芳鈞
  • 16駱品心
  • 17應采青
  • 18王梓學
  • 19何宗瑜
  • 20余昊哲
  • 21吳炘諺
  • 22呂呈訓
  • 23李文宇
  • 24李泓誼
  • 25李冠廷
  • 26沈宣丞
  • 27洪秉樂
  • 28范睿廷
  • 29張少騰
  • 30張耀元
  • 31郭宥辰
  • 32陳禛
  • 33黃鈺軒
  • 34葉名緯
  • 35廖奕誠
  • 36蔡佳偉
  • 37蔡恩揚
  • 38簡梵恩
  • play basketball
  • sing the song "Let it Go"
  • dance happily
  • eat ten hamburgers
  • drink beer
  • run a marathon
  • watch the movie "Spiderman"
  • fall asleep in class
  • go to the restroom
  • catch a cold
  • take a selfie
  • read a romantic novel
  • write a love letter
  • clean the toilet
  • have a fancy dinner in Taipei 101
  • receive an iPhone as a present
  • touch a lion
  • repair a computer
  • pay a visit to LungShan Temple
  • watch Saint's YouTube videos
  • not do homework
  • not eat breakfast
  • hug a teddy bear
  • have a terrible stomachache
  • waste time playing cellphone games
  • next Monday
  • in two days
  • in 2020
  • three days ago
  • in 1815
  • last Sunday
  • five years ago
  • a week ago
  • next month
  • always
  • never
  • seldom
  • usually
  • often
  • sometimes
