Noun, Action, Noun! (Jonochrome edition) Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

this is a test

  • Phil, Smiley, Phred, Zack, Viz, Diz, Quiz, Flumpty, BBB, Golden Flumpty, Beaver, Owl, Grunkfuss, Eyesaur, Redman, Archo, Patina, Everyone, Jonochrome
  • compliments, got in a fight with, killed, kidnapped, decapitates, gives a present to, is dying in front of, takes care of, hugs, almost killed, stole pizza from, suffocated, insulted, jump scares, filed a restraining order against, throws a banana at, did one fun thing with, takes revenge on, makes impressions of, throws a water balloon at, throws a snowball at, successfully murdered the child(ren) of, ate all the hamburgers and blamed on, throws their child(ren) at, commits suicide in front of, forced-fed, shot, was found naked by
  • Phil, Smiley, Phred, Zack, Viz, Diz, Quiz, Flumpty, BBB, Golden Flumpty, Beaver, Owl, Grunkfuss, Eyesaur, Redman, Archo, Patina, everyone, Jonochrome
