幹話指南 Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • I truly believe in working as a team
  • We should stick together and fight the competitors
  • Team work is everything to me
  • Let's build the business together
  • I want to cultivate a culture of encouragement
  • Focusing on delivering our value and improvements
  • Develop the ability to anticipate possible results
  • Breathe. Take a step back. Get back to logic before moving forward
  • Our organisation is still healthy as compared to a lot of places
  • We are a family
  • There is no need to escalate issue to this level and affected the whole morale of the business
  • The process is maturing and in the process of improvement - face to face engagement is key
  • Without this, we will lose the business
  • This is the only way to go
  • Love you all
  • Common sense is a good general guide
  • Let's not destroy what we have built
  • You have the power to protect it
  • Love one another
