WOW Slots Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

  • Barny
  • BSB
  • Blue Raspberry
  • Cherry
  • Dart
  • Door Knob
  • Globe
  • Grape Juice
  • Lego
  • Lemony
  • Licorice
  • Limey
  • Meteoroid
  • Nacho
  • Neutrony
  • Pluggy
  • Protony
  • Shieldy
  • Tacky
  • Tangeriney
  • Whiffle Ball
  • loves
  • kills
  • talks to
  • is nice to
  • is mean to
  • likes
  • hates
  • doesn't like
  • doesn't care for
  • eats
  • drinks poup soop with
  • goes to the hat stoar with
  • is neutral over to
  • drinks
  • eats French fries with
  • eats chicken nuggets with
  • goes to McDonalds with
  • insults
  • bullies
  • expelled
  • suspended
  • gives detention to
  • eliminates
  • revives
  • pops Balloon with
  • licks
  • flies with
  • traps
  • eats food with
  • drinks water with
  • kisses
  • hugs
  • switches souls with
  • switches personalities with
  • races with
  • Pops Bubble with
  • plays video games with
  • watches videos with
  • plays chess with
  • plays Purble Place with
  • plays InkBall with
  • plays mahjong with
  • extinguishes Firey with
  • ignites Bomby with
  • eats cake with
  • jumps on
  • plays solitaire with
  • Barny
  • BSB
  • Blue Raspberry
  • Cherry
  • Dart
  • Door Knob
  • Globe
  • Grape Juice
  • Lego
  • Lemony
  • Licorice
  • Limey
  • Meteoroid
  • Nacho
  • Neutrony
  • Pluggy
  • Protony
  • Shieldy
  • Tacky
  • Tangeriney
  • Whiffle Ball
