TSSB slots Author: Anonymous Fork (0)

IDK man

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Pluto
  • Haumea
  • Makemake
  • Eris
  • Meets
  • Sees through a telescope
  • Talks about
  • Becomes friends with
  • Races with
  • Hugs
  • Hates
  • WASP-12b
  • WASP-17b
  • 55 Cancri e
  • CFBDSIR2149
  • GJ 1214 b
  • Gliese 436 b
  • Gliese 581 c
  • HD 100546 b
  • HD 106906 b
  • J1407-B
  • Kepler 10c
  • Kepler 69c
  • Kepler 452 b
  • TRAPPIST-1(Random)
