Scratch User Slot Version 4 Author: ReturnOfOskar Fork from: Scratch User Slot Version 2 Fork (0)

ITS UPGRADED EVEN MORE! NOW WITH 33 USERS AND 60 ACTIONS. UH, WOW? This is a Ndavid1234 Upgrade which adds 11 people (including himself) he is following and 10 more actions. He is currently taking requests for new characters so far one person has been added.

  • rallyrocket
  • ReturnOfOskar
  • waaaa24
  • aidangreen357
  • sevis
  • Lightsnivy1
  • natnatpialago
  • SuperAwesomeKooKoo
  • Killerwolfblue10
  • Red_the_Hedgehog
  • GobbaTheMixel
  • MysteryHex27
  • Jerry_Jingle
  • Peekystar
  • The_Trollface
  • Avian24
  • NyanMan09
  • MinecraftFan11
  • mariofan2014
  • JPToast14
  • FlameGirl56
  • Ndavid1234
  • BBBgames
  • CrystalandSonic
  • BL468
  • scratchu8
  • TesloComedian
  • TheFlameOfLloviant
  • haras5
  • _DJ_James_
  • nayr0325
  • overbrakeball
  • Pickleodeon
  • will punch
  • will explode upon
  • will play cards with
  • will jump on
  • will noscope
  • will play the faces of evil with
  • will be shipped with
  • will play smash with
  • will breathe fire upon
  • will breathe ice upon
  • will crash a star into
  • will fly with
  • Will hug
  • will glitch with
  • will fight a random boss with
  • Will play building blocks with
  • will make something with
  • will question <p2>'s choices.
  • will steal a star from
  • will steal coins from
  • Has to throw a pie at
  • will steal something from
  • will make <p2> mow the lawn
  • will dig with
  • Is gonna give a fish to
  • will be in FNaF 1 with
  • Will be in FNaF 2 with
  • Will be in FNaF 3 with
  • Will be in FNaF 4 with
  • Will be in FNaF World with
  • Will be in Metroid Prime with
  • Will fight
  • Will team with
  • Will party with
  • Will explore dungeons with
  • Will be 8-bit with
  • Will be in Super Metroid with
  • Will be fighting Gaster with
  • Will fight Omega
  • Will fight Bill Cipher with
  • Will simply SLAP
  • Will fight <p2> as sans.
  • Will fight <p2> as Asriel.
  • Will fight Dark
  • Will fight Super
  • Will Final Smash
  • Will fight <p2> as Scott.
  • Will fight <p2> as Airman.
  • Will fly with
  • Will worship Moon Lord with
  • Will play Hotel Mario with
  • Will spin around a million times for no reason with
  • Will be stupid with
  • Will nuke
  • Will play Super Mario Bros. with
  • Will throw fireballs at
  • Will throw iceballs at
  • Will freeze
  • Will burn <p2> with a flamethrower.
  • Will eat pie with
  • rallyrocket
  • ReturnOfOskar
  • waaaa24
  • aidangreen357
  • Peekystar
  • sevis
  • GobbaTheMixel
  • Lightsnivy1
  • natnatpialago
  • SuperAwesomeKooKoo
  • Killerwolfblue10
  • Red_the_Hedgehog
  • MysteryHex27
  • Jerry_Jingle
  • The_Trollface
  • Avian24
  • NyanMan09
  • MinecraftFan11
  • mariofan2014
  • JPToast14
  • FlameGirl56
  • Ndavid1234
  • BBBgames
  • CrystalandSonic
  • BL468
  • scratchu8
  • TesloComedian
  • TheFlameOfLloviant
  • haras5
  • _DJ_James_
  • nayr0325
  • overbrakeball
  • Pickleodeon
