JACK 瞎拼abc Author: j0a8c2k1 Fork from: JACK 瞎拼abc Fork (0)

  • 大氣潮汐 atmospheic tides
  • 烏龜 turtle
  • 國際號太空站 International Space Station
  • 太陽系 solar system
  • 聖嬰現象 El Niño
  • 太陽風 solar wind
  • 台北車站 Taipei Station
  • 三合一麥片 triple cereal
  • 星際效應 interstellar
  • 變壓器 transformer
  • 漢堡 hamburger
  • 瑜珈墊 yoga mat
  • 一石二鳥 to kill two birds with one stone
  • 龍飛鳳舞 lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy
  • 九牛二虎 nine bulls and two tigers
  • 雞飛狗跳 A situation is in messy chaos just like chicken flying and dogs jumping around in a crowded place
  • 大聯盟 MLB
  • 柯文哲 Wen-Je Ko
  • 突飛猛進 By leaps and bounds
  • 新年快樂 Happy New Year
